I have been very busy working since my last update so I thought I update everyone on what I have been up to with one big post.
During the month of June I started work on a website for a motel in wildwood. They own 4 different motels in the area. During that time I saw asked by the owner to come down to take photos and stay for the night. I traveled alone on the 200 mile trip and it was one of the most relaxing drives I have ever taken. It was my first time in wildwood it is so beautiful out there. From the second I got there I started taking photos, It was about 105F that day too and I was running around in jeans and a tshirt shooting photos for about 6 hrs straight. Finally I settled down into my room and had a relaxing night. It definitely was a peaceful night and drive there and back. Here are some photos I shot during my trip.
In July I got the chance to shoot Alejandro Escovedo at Bowery Electric. Alejandro was such a nice guy. Very polite and always smiling. I got to meet and talk to Garland Jeffreys during the event. Like Alejandro he was always walking around with a smile on his face. I shot the sound check and after they let everyone in before the show I remember walking up the stairs towards the bar and someone grabbed my arm and to my surprise it was Garland. With a big smile he said to me “I have a new hat on for the show, make sure you take some photos of it!” We both started laughing. I thought it was a funny request. Backstage after the show I let him know I took the photos for him. The show was packed too. People came from all over to catch the show. I got to see John Lennon’s personal photographer the owner of the Miami Dolphins and many more people that night. After the show we went to the bar and watched Letterman with him. He performed on there earlier in the day. Here are just a few photos I shot that night.
Tomorrow I will have more updates for you all!
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