Three years ago I was driving to my bands rehearsal space and it was very foggy out, and as I passed a public park all I kept thinking was. I wish I had my camera because this would make for such an incredible shot. We have not had fog roll in like that for a while now up until last night. I knew what I had to do. Drop everything I was doing and run home to get my camera!
The shoot started at around 3am and I knew there was some risk involved. I had to stop in some areas to shoot where there was no visibility and people were still speeding around me. The third location I went on the highway and got out to shoot a eight exposure photo. It took a few tries on the 1/30″ shot because my whole goal for this shoot was to not have people or cars driving in the shot. Some areas were much easier and I was able to set up, shoot and run to the next location. I knew I had very limited time on my hands to get the shots. I wanted to get everything in before sunrise which meant I only had about two hours to do so.
I’m very proud of these photos and I hope you enjoy this because it took me three years to finally make this happen.
Fantastic photos Dave. Well done.